Central Michigan University
Central Michigan University ranks as one of the top five largest public universities in the state and as one of the largest in the entire country. Founded in 1892, the school opened as a public institution of higher learning and was one of the only colleges of its type in the central portion of Michigan at the time. As the campus grew, students began applying from as far north as the Upper Peninsula and from locations across America. It saw its population grow even more after introducing online and distance learning options for students. Though the main campus has a population of around 28,000 students, more than 7,000 additional students study online or at one of its satellite campuses.
Three leading publications ranked CMU nationally: Forbes, Washington Monthly and U.S. News and World Report. It also offers a number of activities and opportunities for students living on campus and in the surrounding town, including drama products, Greek fraternities and sororities and honor societies. Dozens of former student athletes who played for CMU now play professionally, and the school also has alumni working as politicians, actors and journalists. CMU remains committed to its students and to providing those students with everything they need for future success.
Central Michigan University Accreditation Details
The United States Department of Education now requires that all colleges and universities give students information and details regarding its accreditation to remain part of the Title IV program. Central Michigan University responded to that requirement with a new page on its website that tells students who granted it accreditation. CMU obtained accreditation from the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, which is part of the Higher Learning Commission. As the university has campuses in 14 different states, it worked hard to gain accreditation for each one. Different divisions of the HLC awarded accreditation to those campuses in recent years.
The HLC gives students the right to lodge formal complaints against a school if they are unhappy or dissatisfied with the campus. CMU is one of just a handful of schools in the nation that received few complaints from students. Each department and degree program on campus has the right to request accreditation from other organizations and agencies. Though the HLC granted regional and general accreditation, organizations can also grant accreditation for specific programs. The law, social work, drama, music and other programs on campus have separate accreditation. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education also awarded CMU accreditation for its bachelor, master and doctoral programs in teaching and education.
Central Michigan University Application Requirements
Central Michigan University has different application requirements in place based on whether a student applies for a spot in its undergraduate or graduate school. The doctoral programs have a wait list for students who do not receive acceptance but meet the requirements for admission. Students on the wait list may receive acceptance prior to the start of the following school year or later on in the current year.
The requirements for admission to a doctoral program include the successful completion of a graduate level program with a high number of research courses or components. Those interested in the educational leadership program will need to show that they finished a graduate degree in education or a similar field and completed at least two research courses. Completion of a thesis may qualify as a research component.
Students will also need to complete several forms and documents, including a graduate school application, a resume, personal statement of intent and a General Records Examination score. CMU requests that students send in official transcripts, a declaration of commitment and three letters of recommendation. All doctoral students must also go through and interview with faculty members working in the department regarding their future plans and goals.
Tuition and Financial Aid
Central Michigan University uses a student's residency status to determine how much that student will pay in tuition costs. Doctoral students who live in Michigan and attend classes on campus pay $583 per credit. Those who live in a different state pay $850 per credit. The tuition rates rise each year, but students can find out from the school how much they'll pay based on when they start. Students may also pay fees for using computers and facilities on campus. Those who live on campus are also responsible for paying for their own room and board, which can raise the cost of attending significantly.
Though college is expensive, CMU offers a number of opportunities for education students. Students can apply for fellowships that cover the cost of tuition and often include stipend for textbooks and other supplies. CMU can also give students information about assistantships and grant programs that give them more money towards school. Some grant programs will pay for a student's education on the agreement that the student will work in a low income area after graduation. Those who complete and file the Free Application for Student Financial Aid may also qualify for aid in the form of grants and subsidized or unsubsidized student loans.
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
Students interested in earning more and working in unique areas of the education field may apply to the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership through Central Michigan University. The Ed.D program is different from the Ph.D program in that it focuses more on learning the theories behind educational opportunities in the country and then putting those theories into practice. If a student currently has a degree in specialist education and earned that degree on the CMU campus or through its online system can take fewer classes and use more than 20 or their credits towards the EdD program.
All students pick a concentration in K-12 leadership, educational technology, K-12 curriculum or higher education leadership and take 12 credit hours of work in that concentration. They will also take nine credit hours of research classes and 15 credit hours of core classes. The CMU program includes seminar, field experience and a dissertation. Students work with their advisers to decide on a dissertation topic and to write a paper or create a project around that topic. They can work on the dissertation at the same time that they complete their internships or field experiences. Students entering this Central Michigan University program will also find that the university requires they take and pass a test at the end of each semester to continue in the program.