What Types of Jobs are Available With a Master’s in Marketing?

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Updated August 4, 2020

When students considering pursuing a graduate education in marketing, one of their biggest concerns relates to the types of jobs available with a Master's in Marketing. Most of all, most students will simply want to ensure that they can gain a good return on their investment as they advance their education to a new level. The good news for these students is that a graduate-level education in marketing is bound to open new doors that lead to management, corporate marketing roles, and much higher salaries over the long course of a career after finishing the graduate degree.

Many Graduates Advance Into Agency Management Jobs

As most marketing professionals know, the jobs immediately available to most marketing students with an undergraduate degree are typically at agencies that handle hundreds of different clients. These jobs are actually idea for entry-level marketers for several reasons: They allow recent graduates to learn numerous marketing skills on the job, they give them the skills necessary to adapt their skills and campaigns to different needs, and they teach time management that can be useful in senior positions later on. Graduates from a Master's in Marketing program will be able to advance into those senior agency roles after graduation.

An agency management job will typically allow marketers to shed many of their dedicated clients and focus instead on managing subordinates, agency strategies, and client acquisition processes. Rather than creating campaigns, they'll create new opportunities and help to organically grow the agency. They may also be asked to help hire and train new employees who can take on new work as it comes in.

Corporate Marketing Managers and Strategists

Some marketing professionals opt to simply leave agency life behind once they've obtained a graduate degree in their field. In fact, this is considered the ultimate goal for many in the profession. By moving from agency work to a corporate marketing department, professionals with a graduate degree will be able to work as marketing managers and marketing strategists for a single corporation. There will be no need to manage many clients and create different strategies for tens or hundreds of different, smaller companies. This is only the first benefit of working marketing management however.

Graduates of a Master's in marketing program will typically earn a higher salary at a corporate job than they would at an agency job. As they prove their value to the company and execute successful campaigns, they will also be added to a list of names considered for promotions. In a corporate role, that means some marketing professionals could be destined for the role of a Chief Marketing Officer. This executive-level position is among the most intensive, lucrative, and rewarding in the broader marketing industry. It's also considered a landmark career achievement that only a small percentage of marketing professionals ever get to add to their resumes.

Related Resource: Specialize a Master's in Political Science

From Agencies to Corporations, Opportunities Abound

Whether it's an agency management role or a corporate job that allows for more exclusive work on a single campaign, marketers who complete a graduate education will find themselves enjoying all kinds of new opportunities with their advanced degree in hand. According to US News and World Report, as with virtually every profession in the modern economy, the types of jobs available with a Master's in Marketing are more oriented toward management, leadership, and rapid advancement through the ranks no matter where marketers choose to work.

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